Roanoke 8U jamboree champions!
Roanoke 8U jamboree champions!
Behind the scenes at Mites on Ice
Behind the scenes at Mites on Ice

The 8U/6U program is for players with birth years 2016-2019. Games are played “cross ice” which is better for young players, and the focus is on skill development, teamwork, and having fun.


The 8U/6U team practices once a week on Sunday afternoons at Tucker Road Ice Arena and attends jamborees or tournaments. Jamborees are held at rinks throughout Northern Virginia, DC and Maryland.

  • Season will start mid-September
  • Practices at Tucker Road Ice Rink (TRIR) expected on Sundays from 3:00 – 4:45pm
  • Cost: $900 for the season, reflecting an increase in ice costs at TRIR
  • 20% Discount for 2nd sibling (or more)

Younger players should have basic hockey skating skills; many of our players have taken Learn to Play or have previous house/recreational hockey experience. If you have any questions about your player's readiness for 8U/6U, please contact Jon Howard.

The 8U/6U program can usually accept new players mid-season. Contact us at info@novaicedogs.org to learn more.